Giving to BTS

Our Philosophy of Theological Ministry Partnership

Why Invest in Theological Education?

One of the greatest gifts God has given us is the gift of salvation. This gift came by way of someone sharing the good news with us. As Paul says, “How can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? (Rom 10:14b-15a). For this reason, God calls men and women into the harvest field to bear the good news of Jesus Christ that the gift of salvation may be received by those who hear.

How can I repay the Lord for all the good He has done for me? (Psalm 116:12)

  • By Empowering the Called
    The gift of salvation in Jesus Christ is the greatest news for human race. Our giving supports the very core of the Great Commission and thereby empowers the called by funding their training for the great task of proclaiming the gospel.
  • By Multiplying the Effects of our Giving
    Growth in training is a multiplication of leadership and effectiveness. Every worker used by God multiplies the spread of the gospel in the nation where God placed them. As in all education this is paying towards the Future for a generation that calls upon God. Kingdom investments reap kingdom advancements.

As you become a Theological Ministry Partner with BTS, you are making an investment in accelerating the Great Commission for the advancement of God’s Kingdom.

Join us as a Theological Ministry Partner for BTS’ missional calling for the equipping of God’s servants.

Profile of Beneficiaries

Ly Gia Thanh
MDiv 2024